International conference, anniversary celebration and AGM 2019

‘I will give you future and hope‘ (Jeremiah 29:11) 70 years of living nonviolence and resisting militarisation(17 – 19 May 2019) This is the theme of this year’s Annual General Meeting of Church and Peace from 17-19 May 2019 in the Christopheros Hotel, Berlin-Spandau....

23 February 2019: Church and Peace Meeting in Birmingham

Peace is not a fairy-tale – we have to work to make it happen.* ‘Let us do what leads to peace and builds our common life’ (Romans 14:19) Date: Saturday 23rd February 2019, 10.30 – 16.30  (Refreshments will be available from 10.00 for a prompt 10.30 start)Venue:...